Seriously..ive enough of all dhiss..
If u cnt handle me at my werst dhen euu dont dserve me at my best..
Whr did i go rng?why is all dhiss happenin?everything iz nt supposze to be whadd they r supposze to!
Urghh!i was rng bout euu all de while i guess!enough of criess..i dont wanna go through dhiss over & over again..euur juz a piece of paper dhatt i wrote to!euu noe whadd?im takin all of it bck!im sum1 whm ur playin arnd wif..but u wont be able to go dhatt far coz im capable of tearin euu apart!its all breakin my heart when im to do all dhiss!but ive got no more choice left!euur just c'in de strt of whadds happenin..nt yet to c whadds more to come..come'on..but im sorry..u left me wif no choice but dhiss..u turned me into sum1 whom im nt suppose to be at all...prepare fer de best dhatt ur gonna get soon...
Okaee,now..bck to my story bout de cmp i went was..AWESOME!
I miss my instructerz..!me n my otherr peeps were mischevious during de nyte..we went roundin when de rest were slipin..we were de onli idiots walkin arnd wif torches shinin here n dhere...hahaax!tnk god we werent coute by our instrctrs.
1st dae,dhere were some introduction goin on..acivitys n stories....11pm,lytes off!
But heheh..mie n my peepss...kekeke..we disturbd other bunks..wenever our insrtctrs come n check on us,we will be lykk soo innocent!!haha...yes2 i a ferever..hehehh..
2nd dae..continued wif our activities,created some dance steps fer de cmpetition during de camp fire n rested..waitin fer de clock to strick 8pm & boom!cmp firee!!!!!!!dhiss yearr,my class n 2.2 were de happenin oness!we scream & scream!lykk fcuk!we didnt fail to make de whole of sec2s laugh n join us scream..we did some hip hop,jumpstyle,teckno n brk & guess whadd,i was de dj fer my class!we were de "limelyte of de dae"said de proud to sae dhatt we are proud of ourself..after screamin n cheerin our ass was tyme fer us to turn in..12am,lytes out..but me n my frenz torned again..we brought some snacks n drinks siaa..but noone knew..heheh..fer 3 straight daes,we didnt sleep..tnk godd ive got no eye bags!haha..but slippy siaa...we enjoyed throughout de whole regrets of attendin dhiss wonderful cmp..seriouslyy..hope to be cmpin again veryy soon!missin my peeps hell loadss!btw i just came bck 2dae lyk 4 hours ago frem my cmp?haha!


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